If you have a question not addressed here, you are welcome to Contact Us.
There are several factors involved in designing a site, factors which are some times beyond out control. However, for a "design," meaning not building the site, a minimum of one week is required.
CENLYT retains full Copyright ownership of all original designs which are not considered as "works for hire" such as template and test designs. Otherwise, CENLYT shall retain full Copyright ownership of all commissioned designs until such time the design is paid in full, at which time, the Copyright shall revert to the client under the "work for hire" Copyright Law. See Copyright Laws from the United States Copyright Office.
See Copyright Laws from the United States Copyright Office.
Depending on the nature of the site, static informational vs. e-commerce, content, number of pages, images, Accessibility Level, and so on, a minimum of one week, but generally a month.
CENLYT Productions-ms designs WILL NOT design sites that are offensive, sexually oriented, promote violent or criminal behavior, promotes material which is inappropriate for children, encourages the use of drugs, alcohol or smoking, or any other material deemed inappropriate. CENLYT Productions-ms design reserves the right to design any site and to solely decide what is inappropriate material. Further, CENLYT Productions-ms designs reserves the right to refuse to add any material to a web site which is deemed inappropriate.
Yes, subject to our standard Terms and Conditions.
All content.
HTTP and FTP, whichever is appropriate for the server and site design.
We provide several types of forms: those available with FrontPage Extensions, ASP, PHP or PERL format. See Web Site Forms for more information.
Generally. Certain parts are jobbed out when necessary.
JavaScript, Active Server Pages, PHP, XML and XSL.
Depending on the hosting account - Flat (Text) Files, Microsoft Access and Excel, XML and MySQL,
We contract out Flash work. However, Flash is not supported on virtually all mobile devices and its use is not recommended.
Yes. We do offer tutorials when needed. However, we suggest a WYSIWYG HTML editor such as Microsoft's Expression Web or DreamWeaver.
Yes. Anyone with your user name and password can access your site on the server.
More Questions? Contact Us.
Below are the most commonly asked questions. If you require additional information, visit either the ReadyHosting Knowledge Base or the Cart32 Knowledge Base (links open in a new window). As always, you are welcome to Contact Us.
SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is a protocol that transmits information over the Internet in an encrypted form for security purposes. POP/SMTP over SSL encrypts all data exchanged between your mail client and the ReadyHosting mail server with a digital security certificate to protect your password and messages.
To send and receive e-mail securely using SSL, follow these general steps. Refer to the online help within your mail client for specific instructions on where to set SSL options.
For clients not listed, check the online help for information on SSL support.
Note: For some mail clients if the server hostname configured in the mail client is not pop.readyhosting.com or imap.readyhosting.com (for example, if it's set to mail.yourdomain.com), a warning message might display indicating that the server does not match the security certificate.
If you receive this warning, change the server hostname to pop.readyhosting.com or imap.readyhosting.com.
The E-mail Server Names settings are:
Incoming Mail Server - pop.YOURDOMAINNAME.com
Outgoing Mail Server - smtp.YOURDOMAINNAME.com
When enabled, the Automated Domain Renewal Service will automatically initiate the renewal process for all valid domains
fifteen (15) days before a domain's expiration date. If your account has an available Domain Credit, we will apply that
Domain Credit to the domain renewal, otherwise we will attempt to charge the credit card on file for your account. p
Important: an unused Domain Credit or a valid credit card must be accessible through your account for a domain to be renewed through the Automated Domain Renewal System.
By participating in the Automated Domain Renewal Service, you are authorizing ReadyHosting to act on your behalf to initiate the renewal of your domain(s) and charge your credit card for the renewal. If we are unable to renew your domain, we will send a message to the e-mail address on file for your account, providing instructions for renewing the domain manually.
If your renewal is processed by credit card, you will be charged the price advertised on the ReadyHosting site on the day that the charge is applied.
ReadyHosting's Automated Domain Renewal Service can be used for domains registered through the following domain registrars: Tucows/OpenSRS, Network Solutions and eNom, provided the domain was registered in, or transferred to, ReadyHosting's master account with the registrar. At this time, the Automated Domain Renewal Service does not work with other registrars or domains registered to a different master account. If you would like to use the Automated Domain Renewal System and your domain does not meet the above criteria, please contact our Support Team to request a registrar transfer.
Your participation in the Automated Domain Renewal Service does not guarantee that your domain name will be successfully renewed. A successful renewal depends on many factors, including, but not limited to, the availability of (i) valid and current credit card and billing information, (ii) Domain Credits, (iii) correct and valid contact information, and (iv) the registrar processing the renewal request correctly.
When enabled, the Automated Domain Renewal Service will instruct our system to automatically renew any valid domain(s) (see below) on your account fifteen days before its renewal date. If your account has an unused Domain Credit, we will use that to renew your domain on your behalf, otherwise we will attempt to charge your credit card.
Please note: the Automated Domain Renewal Service is only available for domains registered with one of our
integrated registrars, and only for customers who have
credit cards on file. Further, we can only renew domains for which the renewal date is known. If a domain does not meet these
criteria, an exclamation-point icon like this:
will appear next to it in the Domain Management area.
While specific steps will vary by FTP client, you will need to enter the following login information when setting up a connection to your site:
Note: Make sure that you do not connect in Passive Mode.
The FTP Management page lists your master FTP account and any additional FTP users, if included in your plan.
ReadyHosting's Visitor Statistics tool tracks the following information about visitor activity (usage) on your site: files, hits, kbytes, pages, referrers, response codes, unique search strings, sites, unique URLs, unique user agents, usernames and visits.
Note: Due to the limitation of the HTTP protocol and other factors, the number of visits should not be taken as absolutely accurate. Rather, it should be considered a very close estimate.
If your domain has the same username but a different password than your account, you may wish to synchronize them.
If your domain has a different username as well as a different password than your account, they cannot be synchronized. However, you can still log in from Domain Central to manage your domain.
If you are not using SSL for your mail, you can try port 587 as the Outgoing SMTP server port in your e-mail client settings (Outlook, Eudora, etc).
Another option is to apply your ISP's settings to your e-mail client settings. As long as your ISP isn't being blocked by another ISP (rare but possible), you should be able to send mail successfully.
If you are still having mail problems, contact ReadyHosting Support for assistance.
When the domain transfer process is initiated, the Administrative Contact on the domain will receive a verification email that requires an action. Without this action, the transfer process is terminated. Thus, you need access to the Administrative Contact email address associated with your domain to complete the domain transfer process.
Use the following steps to find or update the current Administrative Contact information for the domain you would like to transfer.
Note: Domain WHOIS Privacy cannot be transferred to our registrar and must be purchased separately.
To point a domain that you registered elsewhere to your ReadyHosting Web site, please follow these steps:
After creating your website and enabling your FrontPage extensions in the Members Area, you would open the site in Microsoft FrontPage and then click on File --> Publish Web.
For the publish destination enter http://username.readyhosting.com, where username is your account username. This should then prompt you to log on. Enter your username and password for your account. Once this is verified, your site will begin to publish.
Our servers run MySQL version 4.1.14.
You can find helpful information in several places:
The MySQL database tool we provide is for online database access only. To access and manage your MySQL database, you must log into the Manage MySQL page.
To view graphs and tables based on your traffic/visitor statistics:
You can also view your statistics through the Visitor Statistics page, which enables you to perform other tasks related to your site statistics:
You can access your log files through the Log Files page.
The current PHP version running on ReadyHosting's servers is PHP 4.3.3. Newer versions may be installed as they become available.
ReadyHosting can provide Automated Domain Renewal for domains that meet the following requirements:
- Tucows/OpenSRS
- Network Solutions
- eNom
If you are interested in using Automated Domain Renewal and your domain does not meet the above criteria, consider a registrar transfer for your domain. There are many benefits in transferring your domain to our registrar.
Important: If your domain name expires in less than 11 days, the Automated Domain Renewal will not renew your domain. You will be required to renew your domain manually.
While ReadyHosting does provide an ecommerce plan with a built in shopping cart, ShopSite, we recommend purchasing Ecommerce Templates Shopping Cart Software, a stand-alone cart that you can fully customize and, should you move your hosting, can take with you. Available in both .asp and .php versions.
Below are the most commonly asked questions about ShopSite. If you require additional information, visit the ReadyHosting Knowledge Base (links open in a new window). As always, you are welcome to Contact Us.
ShopSite® is an easy-to-use, award-winning shopping cart for small and medium-sized businesses. With ShopSite's intuitive, browser-based interface, you can create an online store in a matter of minutes. You don't need any experience and you won't need to install anything on your computer.
ShopSite will help you build your catalog, promote your products and even process orders securely over the Internet. Plus, ShopSite can be integrated to accept payments online using an Internet merchant account, PayPal or Google Checkout.
Three levels of ShopSite are available from ReadyHosting with the cost being subject to the hosting plan your purchase.
Great for businesses that are starting out and have just a few products.
Designed for businesses that sell many products and want to offer specials and promotions.
Ideal for businesses with large product selections that require tremendous flexibility managing and merchandising their products.
More Questions? Contact Us.
We are no longer providing support for Cart32 as it is no longer offered by ReadyHosting. Limited support is available from www.Cart32.com
Hidden Fields • Quantity Discounts • Options • Miscellaneous • Buttons
You may copy the HTML code from inside each box, modifying it as necessary.
The following is the minimum form code required for each product. The action inside <form> must be changed to your cart settings. If you're hosted with Cart32, just change "ClientCode" to your client code. If you are not hosted with Cart32, change the "action=" to the URL for your cart. You can include multiple products between <form> and </form>.
<form method=post action="https://www.cart32.com/cgi-bin/cart32.exe/ClientCode-AddItem"> <input type=hidden name="Item" value="Name"> <input type=text name="Qty" value="1"> <input type=hidden name="Price" value="10"> <input type=submit value="Add To Cart"> </form>
Between <form> and </form> you can add the following hidden fields below:
<input type=hidden name="AccountingCategory" value="Lawn Mowers">
Discount - A quantity discount field
<input type=hidden name="discount" value="1-5:1230.95;6-10:999.95">
Image - A close-up picture of the product
<input type=hidden name="Image" value="http://www.site.com/lawnmower.jpg">
Item - (Required) Item Name
<input type=hidden name="Item" value="Cool Lawn Mower">
MaxQty - Maximum number of any particular item you can buy (new in v6.0)
<input type=hidden name="MaxQty" value="2">
PartNo - Part Number of product
<input type=hidden name="PartNo" value="LM-1">
Price - (Required) Price of the item
<input type=hidden name="Price" value="1230.95">
P# - The option picked from a choice of options (see T#)
<input type=hidden name="p1" value="Red">
Qty - The number of a particular item to buy
<input type=text name="Qty">
<select name="Qty"> <option value="1">1</option> <option value="2">2</option> <option value="3">3</option> </select>
QtyDrop - The number of items in a Qty drop-down box. use with <select> Qty drop-down.
<input type=hidden name="QtyDrop" value="1;2;3">
SendTo - Where to send the user after they add an item to their cart
<input type=hidden name="SendTo" Value="http://www.site.com/thankyou.html">
Shipping - Amount of shipping if different than standard shipping types
<input type=hidden name="Shipping" value="50.52">
ShipsInOwnBox - Determines if an item requires its own box for shipping. A "Yes"/"No" field.
<input type=hidden name="ShipsInOwnBox" value="Yes">
T# - The list of options to be picked (see P#)
<input type=hidden name="t1" value="t-Color:Red;Blue;Green;Purple">
Url - A link to a descriptive page about a product
<input type =hidden name="Url" value="http://www.site.com/lawnmower.html">
Weight - Weight of the product, used to calculate shipping (in lbs.)
<input type=hidden name="Weight" value="300.2">
<input type=hidden name="discount" value="1-5:15.95;6-10:12.95;11+:10.95">
If they order 1-5 of the product, it will cost $15.95 If they order 6-10 of the product, it will cost $12.95 If they order 11 or more of the product, it will cost $10.95
<input type=hidden name="discount" value="1-5:-0;6-10:-3;11+:-5">
If they order 1-5 of the product, it will cost $0 less than the Price field If they order 6-10 of the product, it will cost $3 less than the Price field If they order 11 or more of the product, it will cost $5 less than the Price field
To enable a product to have options to choose from (like sizes or colors), you can add a p# and t# field. You can have multiple sets of options by increasing p# and t#.
<select name="p1"> <option value="S">S <option value="M">M <option value="L">L </select> <input type=hidden name="t1" value="d-Size;S:partno=shirtS,price=12;M:partno=shirtM,price=12;L:partno=shirtL,price=14">
This option will allow the user to pick from a small, medium, or large shirt using a drop-down box. All options are in the t# field, while the chosen option is in the p# field. In this example, choosing the S option will send "shirtS" as the part number and $12 as the price. Choosing M will send "shirtM" as the part number and $12 as the price. For the L option, the price will be $14 and part number will be "shirtL".
For the t# field, the first letter is the type of option list. "d" is for a drop-down list, "r" is for radio buttons, "c" is for checkboxes, "t" is for text boxes, "m" is for multi-line text boxes, and "h" is for hidden fields (visible on cart, but not changable). Then, choose the name of the option. In the example, the name of the option is "Size", and it will show up in the cart item list page next to the option list. After the semicolon, type in each option, where the name will appear in the p# field (like "S", "M", and "L"). Type a colon, then list all the fields that will be affected. In the example, price and partno were affected, but you can include other fields like weight, shipping, image, and others. Type another semicolon if you wish to add more parts, then just repeat for each new item.
You can also add an instructional line:
<select name="p1"> <option value="Select Size"> <option value="S">S <option value="M">M <option value="L">L </select> <input type=hidden name="t1" value="d-Size;Select Size;S:partno=shirtS,price=12;M:partno=shirtM,price=12;L:partno=shirtL,price=14">
Important! What ever options appear in the P# section must also appear in the T# section.
Change button text:
<input type=submit value="Add Me To My Cart!">
Change "Add to Cart" button to an image:
<input type=image src="http://www.site.com/addtocart.jpg">
Change size of "Quantity" box:
<input type=text name="Qty" value="1" size="3">
Add a drop-down box for something:
<select name="fieldname"> <option value="Value1">Value #1</option> <option value="Value2">Value #2</option> <option value="Valuex">Value #?</option> </select>
Free shipping (doesn't send product information to UPS/USPS/FedEx/DHL or if the shipping method uses the shipping grid, the item is removed. *Grid range must start with 1):
<input type=hidden name="Shipping" value="-1">
Maximum Quantity: (new in v6)
<input type=hidden name="MaxQty" value="10">
Product ships in it's own box: (new in v6)
<input type=hidden name="ShipsInOwnBox" value="Yes">
Is a "Yes" or "No" field
For these, make sure the form action is correct.
View shopping cart:
<form method=link action="https://www.cart32.com/cgi-bin/cart32.exe/ClientCode-ItemList"> <input type=submit value="View Your Cart"></form>
Order Status: (view the status of your order)
<form method=link action="https://www.cart32.com/cgi-bin/cart32.exe/ClientCode-OrderStatus"> <input type=submit value="Order Status"></form>
User cart login:
<form method=link action="https://www.cart32.com/cgi-bin/cart32.exe/ClientCode-user"> <input type=submit value="Log In"></form>
Available in .asp and .php versions.
Edit your online store with your favorite HTML editor, design a new store or integrate with your existing web site - there's an Ecommerce Templates flavor for everyone at every skill level. Responsive Designs available!
Ecommerce Software that allows you to securely accept payments through your online store by choosing from over 30 integrated international payment providers for smooth, professional online transactions. PayPal Payments Advanced now available!
Get great ecommerce template shopping cart software right out of the box with Ecommerce Templates. Store, shopping cart, admin and payment integration are all rolled into one great product. WordPress integration now available!
CENLYT Productions-ms designs is a reseller for Ecommerce Templates (ECT). Unless we are maintaining your website, please direct all questions to the ECT Shopping Cart Software Support Forum . Technical assistance provided by us will be subject to charge.