Coteau Books in the Schools: Batoche
by Kim Morrissey ISBN 0-919926-91

study package: secondary (Batoche) and post-secondary classes - English Literature, Poetry, Drama, Women and Gender Courses, Canadian Studies, Post-Colonial Studies

Kim Morrissey

list of books used as university texts:

Clever As Paint: The Rossettis In Love
Dora: A Case of Hysteria
Poems For Men Who Dream of Lolita

and the Open University textbook & theatre anthology
Mythic Women/ Real Women
Faber & Faber 2000


Clever As Paint:
The Rossettis in Love

with original music by Elizabeth Parker
Introduction by Beth Chatten
published by Playwrights Canada Press
distributed in Europe by Nick Hern Books

ISBN: 0-88754-552-1
in North America:
in Europe:

Women & Gender Studies, 19th century, England, art history, stage play, black comedy, satire, humour, drama, Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, artists, women's roles, Elizabeth Siddal, William Morris, Gabriel Rossetti, Arts & Crafts Movement, Malory, Swinburne, Burne Jones, Jane Morris, supernatural, séances, suicide, post-natal depression, love, grief, jealousy, adultery.

Suggested historian: Jan Marsh
Introduction by Beth Chatten

Compare: Tom Stoppard: The Invention of Love
Howard Brenton: Bloody Poetry
Caryl Churchill: Stanley

"Love among the artists - specifically the Pre-Raphaelites -mercilessly dissected by Kim Morrissey, who debunked Freud very efficiently and wittily in her play Dora a few years back"
     -- Robert Hanks, The Independent.

Dora: A Case of Hysteria

Introduction by Lizbeth Goodman
published by Nick Hern Books
ISBN: 1-85459-295-5
in North America:

Women & Gender Studies, 20th Century History, Freud, stage play, hysteria, black comedy, satire, drama, unreliable narrator, hysteria, psycho-analysis, "Dora Case Study," child abuse, transference, child-adult, seduction, sexuality, feminism, Lacan, Cixous.

Comparison text: Hélène Cixous's Portrait of Dora
Introduction by Lizbeth Goodman
academic article by Tobias Döring

Suggested reading : In Dora's Case (ed Charles Bernheimer & Claire Kahane

compare: Henrik Ibsen: A Doll's House
Terry Johnson: Hysteria
Nicholas Wright: Mrs Klein

"an important addition to the Canadian dramatic canon and to the body of contemporary playwriting by women"
     -- Rita Much, Canadian Theatre Review

Poems For Men
Who Dream of Lolita

published by Coteau Books
ISBN: 1-55050-029-5

http: (Sorry, but this link is no longer active.)

Women and Gender Studies, Womens Studies, 20th Century, North America, poetry, child abuse, incest, survivor, point-of-view, unreliable narrator, sexual politics, sexuality, child-birth, adolescence, Nabokov, historical re-examination.

Required reading: Vladamir Nabokov's Lolita
Introduction: Lizbeth Goodman

Compare: Sarah Daniels: Masterpieces
Paula Vogel: How I Learned to Drive
Jim Garrard: Cold Comfort

"brilliant and disturbing" 
     -- John Osborne, editor, bête noir


published by Coteau Books
ISBN: 0-919926-916

with archival photographs and maps
e-mail: (Sorry, but this link is no longer active.)

Canadian Studies, Canadian History, Military History, Post-Colonial Studies, Multi-Cultural Studies, Secondary School, Grades 9-12, 19th century, poetry, history, politics, self-government, self-determination, leadership, Métis, Wood Cree, Plains Cree, French-Canadian, Saskatchewan, prairie, 1885, NorthWest Resistance, North West Territories, Louis Riel, Margeurite Riel, Gabriel Dumont.

Suggested historians: Diane Payment, G.F. Stanley, George Woodcock.

compare: Margaret Atwood: Journals of Susanna Moodie
Gwendolyn McEwen: The T.E. Lawrence Poems
Michael Ondaatje: Billy the Kid

"Using her skills as a researcher, dramatist and poet,
Kim Morrissey brings to life the once silent pages of our history with a clear and simple eloquence."
     -- Lorna Crozier

For more information about these and other works by Kim Morrissey,

comparative themes

e-mail Coteau Books